Because of our experience and facilities to operate in a multi-species environment, we are also asked to operate on the teeth of domestic equids and ones in wildlife establishments.
Horses can suffer with developmental, periodontal and traumatic dental problems just like other terrestrial mammals.
Prognathic malocclusion in a young horse. Note the excessive wear of the mandibular incisors.
Rotated maxillary molar causing food packing and a major periodontal defect.
Enamel spurs of the cheek teeth traumatise the buccal mucosa.
Infundibular necrosis of a maxillary molar.
Fractured and infected mandibular canine.
Partial exposure of canine during surgery illustrating the substantial size and curvature of the root which requires a gentle approach in its extraction to prevent fracture of the relatively thin edentulous mandibular diastema.
Due to the anatomy and differences in access to the rostral and cheek teeth, the clinical approach to equine dentition needs to be discussed in two sections: